Our Mission

Helping Companies to Unveil Full Human Potential

In One Assessment, we use data analytics and machine learning to provide our clients an always-fresh and accurate insight into candidates' and employees' data.

About us

When we Put People First, everything else falls into place.

Now, probably more than ever, human talent and potential are the essential resources an organization can rely on to accomplish goals and fulfill its mission. No matter the size of the ship or the quality of its instruments, it is the crew that has to take it through the ever-changing waters.

We truly believe that optimized HR operations shouldn't be considered as just another company cost. From our perspective, they are an effective tool to find and nurture the right people, a competitive differentiator, and one of the main pillars of a successful brand where people feel respected and valued.

The main idea behind One Assessment is to give everyone an equal chance to demonstrate skills, knowledge, and talents while also encouraging individuals to be who they genuinely are. With all our clients, we share a strong passion for data-driven decision-making to help better understand and fully develop our people.

Our Principle

"You can neither improve nor manage what you can't measure"

One Assessment provides all the tools necessary for developing and managing human resources in one single platform.

We help organizations and businesses identify what they need, find the right people, develop and manage their teams, optimize protocols and administration, and nurture their talent.

We care for the user experience of all platform users, from HR professionals and candidates to employees and others who participate in the process.

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